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There Is Power in the Blood

Story | Bible Verse | Desktop Background


Lewis E. Jones
Lewis E. Jones

Would you be free from the burden of sin?
Theres power in the blood, power in the blood;
Would you oer evil a victory win?
Theres wonderful power in the blood.


There is power, power, wonder working power
In the blood of the Lamb;
There is power, power, wonder working power
In the precious blood of the Lamb.

Would you be free from your passion and pride?
Theres power in the blood, power in the blood;

Come for a cleansing to Calvarys tide;
Theres wonderful power in the blood.


Would you be whiter, much whiter than snow?
Theres power in the blood, power in the blood;
Sin stains are lost in its life giving flow.
Theres wonderful power in the blood.


Would you do service for Jesus your King?
Theres power in the blood, power in the blood;
Would you live daily His praises to sing?

Theres wonderful power in the blood.




This is a great old hymn written during a camp meeting in 1899 by Lewis Jones. Lewis graduated from Moody Bible Institute and worked for the YMCA. He wrote hymns on the side, and this song has endured for over 100 years now, encouraging many generations to overcome temptations through the precious blood of the Lamb.

Bible Verses

Revelation 7:14 - They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Revelation 7:14

Desktop Backgrounds
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