Fight the good fight with all thy might!
Christ is thy strength, and Christ thy right;
Lay hold on life, and it shall be
Thy joy and crown eternally.
Run the straight race thro' God's good grace,
Lift up thine eyes, and seek His face;
Life with its way before us lies,
Christ is the path, and Christ the prize.
Cast care aside, lean on thy Guide,
His boundless mercy will provide;
Trust, and thy trusting soul shall prove
Christ is its life, and Christ its love.
Faint not nor fear, His arms are near,
He changeth not, and thou art dear;
Only believe, and thou shalt see
That Christ is all in all to thee.
The old town of Guildford lies pleasantly on the River Wey just
thirty miles from London on the road to Portsmouth.
But on April 9,1875, a tragedy happened in the town which cast a gloom
over happy Guildford. The vicar of St. Nicholas, J. S. B. Monsell, was
inspecting the roof of his church, which stands guardian at the bottom
of the famous High Street. Reconstruction work was going on, and the
vicar was up amongst the workmen discussing their work. He missed his
footing and fell heavily off the roof and died from his injuries.
He was a prolific hymn-writer. There are over three hundred to his
name, but "Fight The Good Fight" is the one that has found its own
niche where good hymns are sung.
Its manly, direct verses with the touch of challenge and achievement
in them are a fine memorial to the Guildford vicar.
Fight the good fight with all thy might;
Christ is thy strength, and Christ thy right;
Lay hold on life, and it shall be
Thy joy and crown eternally.
Faint not, nor fear, His arms are near,
He changeth not, and thou art dear;
Only believe, and thou shalt see
That Christ is all in all to thee.
Bible Verses
1st Timothy 6:12
- Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on
eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a
good profession before many witnesses.
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Good Fight
